Your Irish Gran's kolcannon doesn't have balsamic vinegar or extra-virgin olive oil in it; but this version is delicious, too. I've never made this with...
Roasting a head of garlic is easy and brings out that good garlicky flavor. Preparation time is 15 minutes. This recipe is from The WEBB Cooks, articles...
Simple and delicious! If you cook for a large family or want to reduce last-minute chaos in the kitchen, you will LOVVVVE this recipe! It has been taste-tested...
Roasting a head of garlic is easy and brings out that good garlicky flavor. Preparation time is 15 minutes. This recipe is from The WEBB Cooks, articles...
Caramelized onions give this incredible side dish a subtle sweetness, and the addition of horseradish gives it a little attitude! They make an absolutely...
The addition of whipped cream into mashed potatoes is what makes them Chantilly mashed potatoes. I was skeptical, but this was one of the most outstanding...
Baked chantilly mashed potatoes with a cheese topping. You can add a variety of cheeses, bacon, or chives. I use homemade mashed potatoes, but instant...
My two young boys would only eat boxed mashed potatoes, until I came up with this recipe. Little do they (and my finicky husband) know they are also eating...
5-Ingredient Fix Contest Entry. Simply put we love the sandwich and love your mashed potatoes, so we thought we would combine the two for the winning recipe....
By using a few clever cooking tips and top quality ingredients, anyone can make firm (not runny) really tasty mashed potatoes to die for...I am always...
This side is a great earthy compliment to any dish. Not too sweet, not too nutty just a perfect mix. Apple cider acts as the perfect balance for just a...
These are something I dreamed up for pumping up the volume of plain mashed potatoes. I serve them at holiday dinners a lot; everyone loves them! They add...
Roasted shallots and fresh thyme give these potatoes an added depth of flavor. Preparation time is 20 minutes. This recipe is from The WEBB Cooks, articles...
Quick, delicious mashed potatoes. I was craving 'loaded mashed potatoes' like they serve at some of the chain restaurants but was tired, busy and in a...
This is a great side dish for corned beef on St. Patrick's Day. It is very smooth and rich! The recipe came from my mother-in-law, who is first-generation...
Not only is this a delicious alternative to regular mashed potato recipes, but it's a very user-friendly way to serve your potato side dish. They're really...
Beautiful fall colors and amazing flavors make this a favorite at any holiday gathering. Stir in milk and sour cream for a creamier texture if desired....
Quick, delicious mashed potatoes. I was craving 'loaded mashed potatoes' like they serve at some of the chain restaurants but was tired, busy and in a...
Quick, delicious mashed potatoes. I was craving 'loaded mashed potatoes' like they serve at some of the chain restaurants but was tired, busy and in a...
White chocolate and vanilla in your mashed potatoes? You'd be surprised how delicious this combination is. The chocolate adds the richness of butter and...
This is my secret recipe for Garlic Mashed potatoes, reverse engineered from a certain Italian restaurant. This recipe for 100 servings, I usually cut...
There's not an Irish bone in my body, but I love colcannon. I'm, also, not a kale kind of gal so I prefer colcannon with cabbage. Your kids will surprisingly...
This is a great side dish for corned beef on St. Patrick's Day. It is very smooth and rich! The recipe came from my mother-in-law, who is first-generation...
This is a great side dish for corned beef on St. Patrick's Day. It is very smooth and rich! The recipe came from my mother-in-law, who is first-generation...
This is a great side dish for corned beef on St. Patrick's Day. It is very smooth and rich! The recipe came from my mother-in-law, who is first-generation...
This is a great side dish for corned beef on St. Patrick's Day. It is very smooth and rich! The recipe came from my mother-in-law, who is first-generation...
I love making my mashed potatoes for company. They always tell me they are the best mashed potatoes they have ever had! I know, these are not healthy but...